Tuesday, September 13, 2011

G-Pa Tom Update #8: COMPLETELY SOLVED...

If you've been following my updates, you'll know that Neva divorced Thomas LaVere, so her name was then changed to Condron (her maiden name). However she died "Neva Hammond". So who did she marry?

John Mark Hammond. That's where I get my last name from. Mystery solved.

I went to another Family History Library right here in town. The guy that was helping me, Harry, was so knowledgeable about this stuff. He pointed out things to me that I never noticed before. He showed me a new program only accessible at the FHCs that was spectacular. It's Mormon-specific, meaning the only people that update it are Mormon volunteers, and we pride ourselves on being genealogy freaks.

Now I get to research this guy and see what I can find. And maybe get some documentation providing a link between John and Neva.

One mystery down, one to go.

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