Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fresh general update.

I haven;t updated in a while because there's really nothing to update. I sent out for Bessie Hibbs' death certificate, we'll see if Jersey decides to let me see it. Right now, I'm really just waiting for that.

I did find out some more cool stuff though. My grandma's birthday was on the 21st, so my mom called to tell her Happy Birthday. However we lost her number, so we had to call her daughter--my aunt--Penny. Turns out Penny had a crapton of information about my grandma's mother, Helen. The information is in the mail so I should get it soon.

I also went by the church to get my Ordinance # to get access to the website, and I was successful.The bad news is I marked my grandfather's wife as his mother, not my grandmother. I have no idea how to fix it. Oops.

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