Tuesday, August 23, 2011

G-Pa Tom Update #6: MISSION (almost) ACCOMPLISHED!!

I've done it... I've actually done it. So excited...

I received Thomas's birth certificate in the mail today. I thought I would get another failure letter back, but I actually got the document. Check it out.

And there we have it. An official document linking Neva Levere (neƩ Condron) to Thomas Levere born 2 Feb 1922. It even has his father's name on there: Thomas Levere Sr. Those are the two people on the marriage certificate I uploaded a while ago. It all matches up.

I can't believe it. I finally solved the mystery about the "Levere" last name. That seriously has been like a 30-year mystery. Now all that's left is to wait for Neva -Hammond-'s death certificate. Hopefully it says Hammond at least, and extra hopefully it'll have a spouse's name. I applied for the certificate in-person on August 16th, so it should be here before the first week of September is up.

If it ends up listing the spouse's name as "Thomas Hammond", I'm gonna throw a damned fit.

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