Saturday, September 3, 2011

Great G-Ma Bessie Update #1: Santa Monica Mormon FHL

In an effort to try and get some newspaper articles or something about Bessie's car accident, I went to the Santa Monica Mormon Temple, home to a big Family History Library. On their website it boasts:

  • 86 networked computer workstations

  • 18 film reader machines

  • 1 microfiche reader machine

  • 56,000 rolls of film

  • 40,000 microfiche

  • 6,058 books

  • Seasoned volunteers

  • Regional experts

  • Rare book collection

  • Calif. death records 1905+

Three guess as to how much information I got: NOT A DAMN THING. It was unbelievable! Basically the largest family history library outside of Washington D.C. and I couldn't find anything. I drove 25 minutes there, drove an hour and twenty minutes back (405 traffic from Santa Monica. Those who get it, get it.) and I didn't find a single new piece of info.

I think right now my only lead is to try and get Bessie's death certificate from the same place I got my grandma's birth certificate: Trenton, NJ. I think while I'm at it I'm going to apply to get her marriage certificate to John Ristow. The biggest thing I have to remember is I have to write "Bessie Hibbs -OR- Bessie Ristow" on the death cert request form.

I can't believe I can't find a damn article in the newspaper regarding her death. She, and her toddler son, died in a car accident. There's gotta be something that I'm missing...

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