Wednesday, August 10, 2011

G-Pa Tom Update #3: More fail. FML.

I contacted Cleveland, OH late July to try and get the man's birth certificate. That would hopefully give me another--more truer--look at his parent's names and I could go from there.

I'm not even gonna bother to scan the letter I got. It said this:
In regards to your request, we did not find a bc [birth certificate] on this person. Another issue is that we do not release a bc without mother's name.

Thank you,

Rosa V.
Included with that two-sentence letter I got the form I filled out back, plus my money order.

Here's the thing though. I based the information I had off of the SSI-5 form that was sent to me. Before I got this letter, I received G-Pa Tom's death certificate, and that says he was born in 1922. That makes more sense because according to the death cert, he was 83 when he died, and he died in 2005. Subtract those and you get 83, not 82.

I'm gonna send out the same form with the mother's name (apparently it was "Neva") an with a new birth year: 1922. Cross your fingers for me.

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